Sunday, November 25, 2012

Two Destinies

by Elizabeth Musser
Hennepin County Library paperback 450ish pages
genre: Christian fiction, relationships

The culmination of the trilogy jumps 20 or so years and picks us up with everyone's lives, adding another dozen or so characters. Just as with the first book, I had to force myself to read it for the first 100 pages or so. Then I enjoyed it thoroughly and was drawn into Ophelie's and Rislene's story. I love how El Amin's encounters with others (except Yassir) turned out. Not loving how Musser drops hints for many, many, many pages before finally telling the story of what she's alluding to . . . (e.g. the terrible tragedy that has saddened Remi & Eliane Cebrian, the back story about Bachir, etc.) It's kind of maddening, but overall this was a good story. I like #2 the best, then this one, then the first one. Glad I'm done with them, though.

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