Saturday, December 16, 2017

MIssissippi Jack

a Bloody Jack adventure
by L.A. Meyer
Hennepin County Library hardcover 611 pages
genre: YA historical adventure fiction

I'm enjoying these books a bit too much . . . though this one had a couple of places where I had to put it down and walk away. (The ambush on the river when Jacky was bathing . . . )

I marked page 202. Jaimy is frustrated with the American wilderness (in the early 1800s) and writes to Jacky "I have been massaging my swollen jaw and amusing myself by thinking up variations on USA. How about Ubiquitous Swine devoted to Anarchy? No? Then how's this: Unwashed Savages of Abysmal ignorance? I find myself longing for a civilized drawing room in London." It just made me laugh.

Jacky's raucous behavior doesn't overshadow her kind heart. She's a fun protagonist and this adventure is filled with many colorful characters as she travels west, then south on the rivers, in pursuit of Jaimy and safety. (More and more people want to kill her as her adventures go along.)

Riverboat, show boat, Mike Fink, Indians (even Tecumseh!), slavers, . . . this book was crammed full of characters and action.

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