Sunday, December 10, 2017

Death, Dickinson, and the Demented Life of Frenchie Garcia

by Jenny Torres Sanchez
Hennepin County Library paperback 270 pages
genre: YA realistic fiction

This was a little too dark for me. Frenchie had a spontaneous night of fun with a guy she had liked from afar for four years. The next morning, she learns that he is dead. He overdosed and left a suicide note (of sorts). But she doesn't tell anyone about their conversations or experiences . . . not her parents, her best friends, a counselor. She just tortures herself and becomes more and more miserable and purposeless.

I only marked one point in the book. On page 104, she texts Colin to say "I'm not okay." This admission (and his amazing ability to be sensitive, patient, and watchful of her) help her to work toward understanding and healing.

This book wasn't a favorite for me, but I can definitely picture teenagers for whom this story would resonate powerfully. It's serious and deals with real-world issues.

As a literature person, I like that the author's main character has a thing for Emily Dickinson.

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