Saturday, November 14, 2015

The Freedom Summer Murders

by Don Mitchell
Hennepin County Library hardcover 196 pages
genre: YA NF history

I also read this one a few weeks ago. It was depressing, naturally. Very well-written and informative, it focused on the three young men murdered in June 1964 in Mississippi. James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, and Michael Schwerner were killed by KKK members (in cahoots with, if not led by, the sheriff!) because they were trying to register black people to vote and teach about their rights as Americans. I don't know if it's more sad that this happened or that people got so upset because two of these men were white . . . what an awful chapter in American history! But it's important to know about things like this. The book was very well-done. My heart breaks for those boys' moms.

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