Saturday, August 07, 2010

The Mountain Between Us

by Charles Martin
Hennepin County Library audioCDs, 10 hours
read by George Newbern
genre: "Women's Fiction" - chicklit?

Dr. Ben Payne & reporter Ashley Knox end up taking a charter flight together to avoid a storm that will snow them into Salt Lake City. The pilot has a heart attack and the two passengers are stranded in the mountains with severe injuries. As they fight for their lives, Ben's relationship with his wife Rachel is unfolded in a series of tape recordings that he makes for her.

This was disappointing to me since I really love Martin's other books that I've read. It comes to close to Nicholas Sparks' style and his stuff is way too maudlin for me. I liked Grover (the pilot) and some of the survival stuff. But on a relationship level, I thought this book was a big disappointment.

1 comment:

Jeanne LaMoore said...

Louie overheard this story while I was listening to it downstairs and so asked to borrow the last two CDs to finish it. He said it was a sad story, but good. I told him it isn't as good as Martin's other books!