Tuesday, March 08, 2022

Gastroanomalies: Questionable Culinary Creations from the Golden Age of American Cookery

 by James Lileks

Dakota County Library hardcover 176 pages

Published: 2007

Genre: Non-fiction, humor


I think this one was even funnier than the other Lileks book I read recently! He takes old cookbooks and advertisements and writes hilarious commentary on the pictures. Some of the ones in this book were grotesque. I include just one sample of his creativity here. He doesn't tell us the actual name of this particular dish.

His commentary says "Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who's the barfiest dish of all? It's another inscrutable pan-o-heave on top of some Martian flatworms. Even the decorative cherub on the mirror is disgusted by this thing, and that takes some doing. The little guy's seen a lot."

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