Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Earmuffs for Everyone! How Chester Greenwood Became Known as the Inventor of Earmuffs

by Meghan McCarthy

Libby ebook 50pages

Published: 2015

Genre: non-fiction children's book

I had been grabbing lots of children's books that were available on Libby so I could share with my grandson. (Most of the Paw Patrol books were already checked out . . . waiting lists!) I ended up reading this for myself and not to him!

This illustrated volume about the invention of earmuffs is adorable, interesting, and informative. The author gives credit to the many people who developed different ear coverings. Why did Chester Greenwood become known as "the" inventor? Because at age 19, he got a patent from the U.S. government!

He was an inventor and loved finding ways to make money. This was a delightful little book.

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