Monday, February 25, 2019

Lady Cop Makes Trouble

Kopp Sisters #2
by Amy Stewart
Scott County Library hardcover 310 pages
genre: Historical mystery fiction

Set in the 19teens, this book is also based on historical people and events. Constance Kopp is employed as a jail matron for the female prisoners, but longs to be a deputy. When a dangerous prisoner escapes from a hospital room during a storm, Kopp feels personally responsible and tries to track him down. There is less of Norma and Fleurette in this story, but enough to keep Constance grounded and challenged. Fleurette's flair for drama (and skill at sewing) are clearly leading to some new ground for the Kopp sisters. I've already reserved book 3 at the library!

I liked this line from page 282: "The two of them sat resolutely behind bars, having decided, apparently, that they would trade their liberty for familial solidarity. Sometimes a family was like a swamp, everyone mired in the same mud." (I'm not sure I agree with it, but it did make me grin. There's something about family bonds . . . )

I absolutely love her "historical notes, sources, and acknowledgments" at the end of the book. What excellent research! I love how she identifies factual sources and her embellishments in storytelling. She has mad skills! Looking forward to continuing to read these exploits.

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