Monday, November 13, 2017

Under the Jolly Roger

Jacky Faber - book 3
by L.A. Meyer
Hennepin County Library paperback 518 pages
genre: YA historical adventure

I'm really enjoying these books. Jacky is sassy and impulsive (at all of fifteen years old), but essentially a clever, kind person. She kind of reminds me of Tom Sawyer and his fence-painting scheme . . . This book mostly takes place along the coast of France, in London, and in Ireland.

I actually put a post-in note in this time. Here's the passage from page 343:

"I've found that a good deal of the pleasure in eating oysters is in watching the disgust on the faces of people who do not enjoy them, as you hoist them up and slide them down your neck."

I have no desire to eat oysters, but this made me laugh. It kind of sounds like something I might do; eat oysters primarily to gross out someone else!

I need to read some of the other books on my ledge, but I will order the next book in the series. Jacky Faber is an engaging heroine!

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