Sunday, February 05, 2017

The Phoenix Files (#4 Underground, #5 Fallout, and #6 Doomsday)

by Chris Morphew
loaned to me (last spring!) by a student
paperback, 323, 318, and 405 pages respectively
genre: YA SciFi, Adventure

Sigh. I'm glad I'm finally done with these. The narrator of #4 was Luke, which I liked. The narrator of #5 was Jordan, which bugged me. The narrator of #6 bounced between Luke, Jordan, Bill, and Peter. This worked pretty well, but I just wanted the story to be over. The Luke and Jordan romance was never romantic. The entire Phoenix / Shackleton / Co-operative / end of the world scenario was simply too far-fetched. Oh, and the time travel and superpowers really pushed it over the edge.

It was nice of my student to loan these to me. I'm glad he was enthusiastic about reading them. The pacing and action level kept the stories moving along. I should probably write him a nice thank you note or give him a Barnes and Noble gift card or something . . .

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