Monday, February 06, 2017


by Ally Condie
Hennepin County Library audiobook 8 CDs
read by Kate Simses and Jack Riccobono
genre: YA dystopian (book 2 after Matched)

Mildly interesting to see where this story goes . . . the Society has made life miserable for both Ky and Cassia as they strive to find one another. Set primarily in canyons remarkably like those of the Grand Canyon area, the action is fairly interesting. The interpersonal stuff just got irritating for me.

At one point, I wondered if it was the actual written text or the performers' vocal work that was irritating me so much. The agonizingly drawn-out conversations about nothing made me want a print copy so I could do some skim-reading.

That said, I loved how books, poetry, reading, writing, painting, etc. were so highly valued by those escaping the Society. I like the Farmers and these young people striving to break away from the control of their lives.

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