Wednesday, March 05, 2008

No! I Don't Want to Join a Book Club: Diary of a 60th Year

Written by Virginia Ironside and read by Sian Phillips, Carver County, audiobook

I didn't finish this book. I was on CD #2 and not really getting into it. Maybe it would resonate more for me if I were closer to 60. Usually, I "soldier on" even when I'm not enjoying a book, but yesterday at Book Club we talked about that mentality and it made me think that I tend to be a bit militant about finishing books even when I'm not really enjoying them.

So, basically, she's writing in diary format about her life. She's thrilled to be turning 60 and figures it makes her "a young old person" rather than "an old young person." In general, she's pretty pessimistic and I couldn't keep track of all the characters.

So - I'm moving on to the other half dozen books I'm trying to finish up. . .

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