Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Princess in the Spotlight

by Meg Cabot
listened to it on CD from the Carver County library
second book in the Princess Diaries series

Okay. I really liked the Princess Diaries movie. I thought it was cute & sweet & fun. Then I read "Ready or Not" by Meg Cabot and was appalled! It was insipid, vapid, and comes off as promoting risk-free sex by immature teenagers. Maybe, I thought, it was just that series of "All American Girl" books that was the problem. . .

No. This book drove me crazy! Mia is an annoying protagonist, with a shallow and immature view of the world. I tried to stop and think, "how would I have liked this as a 14-year-old?" Cabot seems to hit her demographic well, judging by the popularity of her books. To me, they are an utter waste of time! The only part of the book I truly enjoyed was when Martha Stewart pulled a glue gun out of her purse and made a wand and tiara for Mia. Funny. The drawbacks are too numerous to list, but suffice it to say that the "algebra teacher" line was only funny for the first half dozen times (generously) and really irritating after two dozen or so uses.

Two thumbs down!

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