Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Wright 3

by Blue Balliett
Illustrations by Brett Helquist
318 pages, CMSW hardcover

Rene (a student) kept pestering me to read this, so I finally took it home. I had heard people rave about "Chasing Vermeer" and hadn't loved it as much as my students, so I wasn't super excited to read this one.

I really enjoyed it! I liked the mystery elements better than in the Vermeer book. I liked the clues about the house and the Frank Lloyd Wright history that was woven throughout it. The relationship between the three kids was believable and developed nicely.

The sandwich code took me a little while to figure out. At first, I was making it harder than it needed to be. The "sandwich" was just junk letters framing the actual message letters. Once I caught on, it was much quicker to read than the pentiminoes code in the first book.

All in all, a delightful story. And a very quick read.

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