Monday, February 11, 2008

Schrodinger's Ball (with an umlat over the o)

by Adam Felber
paperback, 244 pages, Hennepin County Library

This caught my eye because of the title and the lime green cover. I kind of (but not really) "got" the concept of Schrodinger's Cat. My youngest son Nick has a t-shirt that says "Schrodinger's cat is dead" on one side and "Schrodinger's cat is not dead" on the other. (Yes, my children are much smarter than I am.)

I almost ditched this book after a few chapters because the f-word was flying freely and there was some casual sex that while it wasn't graphic, wasn't exactly the type of book I usually enjoy reading. There were four (or five or six) interwoven stories. It was a wonderful intellectual challenge to find the connections between them. The parts that talked about Dr. Schrodinger were the ones that made me really wish my oldest son Morgan would read the book and give me his opinion. But should I recommend a book that's somewhat trashy to my 20-year old?

My favorite part was when Dr. Schrodinger was pegging the patio door with pingpong balls and the home owner challenged him on his theory of observation. This was a very curious book . . . and I really would like to hear Morgan's opinion on it!

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