Friday, December 27, 2019

Yes We Did

by Lawrence Jackson
foreword by Barack Obama
Hennepin County Library hardcover 173 pages
genre: photojournalism

I loved this book, but it also made me sad. Jackson worked for the White House along with Pete Sousa, documenting the Obama administration. The photos are interspersed with commentary and input from others.

My absolute favorite parts included the letter from Bono (December 2015):

"The photo is taken at the center of power. But what this picture says to me about power has nothing to do with its usual instruments: economic, military, cultural might. What this photograph shows - and what President Obama showed us during his years in office - is just how much power there is in restraint, in goodness, in grace, in love. Maybe we understand this more in its absence. Because there's another model of leadership that is finding its way to center stage on both sides of the Atlantic, one that's grabbed the megaphone and is shouting that goodness and grace are signs of weakness, not strength. We are seeing a power that defines itself by demonizing 'the other.'"

On page 77, Jackson writes, "When addressing the staff, President Obama often talked about what 'we are doing.' He was always inclusive, ready to share the successes of his administration but accepting full responsibility for the failures. He inspired a passionate and loyal team committed to helping our country find its best self."

Valerie Jarrett contributed, "What I find striking is that notwithstanding all of his years in the rough-and-tumble world of politics, he still has an optimistic outlook and searches for the good in people." (page 78)

Page 140 - "It's the biggest lesson I've learned from watching them up close: be authentic. Take away the prestige, titles, positions, and money ,and you have your words and actions to define you - an unvarnished truth of who we are as told by what we do and say. Humans relating to other humans without pretense and reminding us that we have more in common than the differences on the surface might suggest." (Jackson)

I miss President Obama and First Lady Michelle. I miss their positive, encouraging selves representing the United States of America. This book was lovely.

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