Friday, January 03, 2020

More: How to Move from Activity for God to Intimacy with God

by Greg Hawkins
(foreword by Max Lucado)
Hennepin County Library hardcover 203 pages
genre: non-fiction Christian faith

I loved this book! Chris Moe recommended it to me a few years ago and I just got it from the library recently. This is one I would seriously consider buying. His "kingdom" analogy wasn't a 100% fit for me, but I understood what he meant by it.

Page 38 - The church he worked at did a massive study on Christians and their relationship with Jesus. This breakdown fascinates me . . . and leads me to want More.

Page 76 - This was just timely, though it has little to do with what I liked about the book! I read it shortly after my total knee replacement surgery on 12/10.
"I didn't feel much pain because they had given me a spinal block during surgery that stopped all nerve traffic from my waist down. When it wore off later that day, it was like getting hit by a truck. A very large truck that was not braking at all upon impact."

Page 86 - "We have been so conditioned to think God is 'out there' and we have to work really hard to find Him that we've missed the whole point of why He created us in the first place: He wants to have a deep, personal, intimate relationship with you. Nothing in all of creation can separate you from God." I love this reminder that God is close, not far away. We are the ones who need to pay attention to Him; He doesn't lose track of us.

Page 97 - ". . . I don't just need You when I'm having a difficult time. I don't need You only when I have that job interview or when I'm waiting for the results of my medical test. I don't just need You right now. I want You. I want to be with You always." I love this prayer! It's one I could pray daily.

Page 99 - "So when you notice yourself saying or thinking 'I' or 'me,' make a conscious shift and say or think 'we.' The change may feel awkward at first, but it's a habit that will bring you into a strong awareness of God's presence. By changing your words, you can change your thinking, which will change your attitudes, then your feelings, and finally your experiences." This is so true! It makes me think about The Power of Words book that Lois gave me . . . and makes me think of Norman Vincent Peale's Power of Positive Thinking. God's Word has power. We need to claim His promises.

Page 104 - "Another lie the Enemy uses is that if you become fully intimate with God He will make you do things you hate. This is the lie most of us fall for. God's going to send you to Africa or make you wash the feet of homeless men in an urban shelter. He's going to make you a fanatical street preacher warning that the world is coming to an end. That doesn't make any sense at all, but we imagine that will be our assignment and so we hide out in the Kingdom of Me. What I've learned is that God wants you to serve Him with the unique skills and talents He's given you. If you're a lousy public speaker, He won't call you to be a preacher. Or if He does, He'll not only transform you into a polished speaker but also give you a love for preaching. That's just the way God works." Yes! I love how God can do the impossible! I love how His ways are better than our ways. Submitting my will to His is something I'm working on right now . . .

Page 117 - "Now, reason and intellect are wonderful gifts, but focusing on them exclusively can keep us in our heads and prevent us from engaging our hearts. And yet, this is the shift we must make - from our heads to our hearts - if we want to access a life of more. We don't abandon our intellect, but we augment it with a depth of feeling and experience that happen when we engage our hearts."

Page 126 - "When we studied half a million church attendees to find out what kinds of practices they engaged in, the research was very clear: the number one practice that catalyzes movement toward deeper intimacy with God is reading, studying, reflecting upon, and even memorizing truth from the Bible." Yes! God's Word is better than food!

If I owned a copy of this book, there would be much highlighting and underlining . . . I'm still trying to decide if I buy a copy or not. I definitely need to send Kris a thank you note for the recommendation!

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