Tuesday, December 03, 2019

The Coincidence of Coconut Cake

by Amy E. Reichert
Scott County Library paperback 310 pages
genre: romance, cooking

Oddly, I enjoyed the first half of this book more than the second half! I got it after reading a review in the Costco Connection. I'll scan and post the review at the bottom of this page. (My reviews are to help trigger my own memories; sorry if you're looking for high quality reviews from me!)

I liked chef Lou and her friends Sue and Harley. I liked Al's transformation and how he falls in love with Milwaukee (and Lou). I didn't like Devlin and Lou as a couple . . . why was he so determined? And why did she stay with someone so awful for so long?

My favorite parts of the story were centered on the elderly couple Otto and Gertrude. I cried toward the end! I had envisioned a different twist to their involvement in Lou's life. This was an enjoyable book, but nothing spectacular. It was way better than most romance books! In a way, it's more a love letter to Milwaukee than anything else . . . which I think is sweet.

I have no desire to make the coconut cake (recipe included in the book), but I'd love to try a slice of it!!!

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