Tuesday, July 16, 2019

How the Light Gets In

by Jolina Petersheim
Scott County Library paperback 368 pages
genre: Christian Fiction

Warning: there WILL be spoilers at the ***, so don't read past them if you plan to read this book!

This was our book club title for April, but I just got it recently from the library. Luckily, I forgot what was talked about during book club, so the plot twists were "new" to me! Unluckily, I didn't like how it ended . . . for such a talented author, I wish she'd made different choices.

First of all, I'm never thrilled with the Amish / Mennonite setting for Christian fiction. I guess I just can't relate to it as much. Although the main character, Ruth, is a modern "English" gal, the setting is primarily the cranberry farm in Wisconsin where her husband Chandler grew up.

On the positive side, I loved how this was a modern retelling of Ruth. I loved the relationship between Ruth and Mabel and how it paralleled the Biblical story.

Page 53 - "Ruth knew the odds of anyone getting through were slim. This pleased her." Yes! There are times when I love going to the lake simply because our reception is so bad that I just shut my phone completely off. And it feels great!

Page 53 - "Ruth yearned to capture this moment through any medium she could - " I'm in too much of a hurry now to capture the two paragraphs that inspired me to note this page. I love that she recognizes natural beauty and is inspired to make art. I love that God gave us the desire to create!

Page 93 - "'Oma Mabel loves us,' Sofie said, one of the simplest ways children categorize acceptance." Love truly is the hallmark of what God calls us to be and do. I want love to be the way I am known by my children, grandchild(ren), friends, etc. . . .

Page 116 - "But now, at thirty, Ruth had a different view. The adventure did indeed stop - or at least change - after children, and to try to deny that was like trying to deny the sun rising . . . "  This resonated for me! I would argue that the adventure changes. A lot. Children change your life. I wasn't ready to become a parent at 21, but it's been absolutely grand! It's fun to be a grandma now - a completely different adventure!

Page 176 - ". . . finding someone to love you wholly was one of the greatest mysteries of all." When Elam has the realization that falling in love with Ruth and her falling in love with him is such a blessing. Yes! I love being married to the love of my life!

Page 177 - I won't quote the whole conversation, but it's wonderful how Elam shares God's love and the simplicity of living for God. "By loving him and loving those he puts in our lives." Simple! I'm grinning as I type this, because sometimes it's very hard indeed. And yet, it doesn't need to be. We just need God's power working in us.

Page 212 - I like to note where the title comes from. ". . . from a Leonard Cohen song, 'Anthem.' There is a crack, a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in."

Pages 304-5 - Marriage. Praying for your spouse. These pages are great for discussion . . . but I don't want to dig into them now.

*** Pages 362-3
When I got to the end, I was so frustrated! She never fell in love with Elam? And Chandler never survived? And she spent six months writing a novel which she promptly put into the fire and let burn up? What?!?!?! That felt as though the whole book was pointless. I wish I'd been able to discuss this back in April!

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