Wednesday, July 03, 2019

Every Good Endeavor: Connecting Your Work to God's Work

by Timothy Keller with Katherine Leary Alsdorf
Scott County Library hardcover 253 pages
genre: non-fiction Biblical living
published: 2012

This book was incredible. I've always liked Keller's stuff, but I think this is the first book of his I've read. I was surprised at how many life lessons and Scriptural applications it contained. I'm nowhere near being a pastor, yet Sunday sermon topics kept jumping out at me!

Having quit my full time job over two years ago, I still feel as though I'm trying to find God's purpose for my life. I struggle with wants vs. needs and spending less money since I now earn so little money. What are my gifts and talents and how does God want me to use them for His glory?

This book really helped me see that "work" isn't just how I make money. It's about why I work. What's the purpose? If it's ever just for a paycheck, then I'm not doing it the right way. Whether I teach full time or ring up people's purchases at McDonald's, there is so much more to the concept of work.

I love how this book is structured! I would definitely re-read it. I recommend it for anyone looking for their direction in terms of work. I recommend it to pastors for a wealth of sermon ideas with lots of great Scripture references!

Toward the end, he recommends two books that I may or may not get: The Call by Os Guinness and Creation Regained by Al Wolters.

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