Sunday, May 21, 2017

Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy

by Eric Metaxas
Hennepin County Libary hardcover 542 pages
genre: non-fiction biography

I only got to page 36 - I just don't have the time to read this now. I think I'd rather read his book The Cost of Discipleship than this huge book on his life. It is interesting, but very detailed!

They were a very wealthy family! Eight kids and at least five staff members . . . wow! There was a family legacy of faith and achievement.

The impact of Martin Luther - theologically and musically - rang through loud and clear. "Before Luther, no one outside the choir sand in church." Congregational singing invites participation in the worship!

The love of music ran deep in the entire family.

I read a bit at the end, when Bonhoeffer and others were being taken to their deaths. So very sad that a German pastor who spoke out against Hitler and the Nazi atrocities didn't survive the war. I'm glad we have so many writings about his life and faith.

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