Wednesday, September 07, 2016

Kill the Boy Band

by Goldy Moldavsky
Hennepin County Library hardcover 312 pages
genre: YA realistic fiction

I read this in July, just found my notes yesterday (9/6/16).

Apple, Isabel, Erin, Narrator (name? not sure. She likes 80s movies, is a good girl, a writer, her dad died, and she has struggled with mental health issues)

relevant - I know girls like this mystery / whodunit style
The narrator's use of the word "Bless" in place of swearing . . . at times.

LOTS of F-bombs and other ugly language
girls' friendships are so fake / nasty

page 60-1: "Why Did I love the Ruperts?" . . . "Did I love them because . . . " "Did I love them because they were the only boys in my life who consistently told me I was beautiful? Probably." How many girls fall in love with singers because of this experience of feeling valued?

page 63: "The joy you find as a teen, however frivolous and dumb, is pure, and meaningful. It doesn't matter that it might ferment and taste different when you're older. That's the whole point of being a teenager - not worrying about the future."

page 152: Narrator: "You're the one who always said boy bands have a shelf life of two to four years." Erin: "That's my entire teenage life!" I think it can be hard for teens to put things in perspective when they feel so passionately but don't have enough life experience.

page 157 "Those girls outside the hotel could overthrow governments with their passion! They have the potential to do so much more." Erin says this (as she's tearing down her "best" friend.)

What is "stan" and "stanning"? I'll have to look this up. stan
is an avid fan and supporter of a celebrity, franchise, film, or group, often a rock/pop musician.>
page 194 "It made me long for grown-ups in a way I thought I'd grown out of. I wanted an adult to swoop in and help us, take care of everything, clean up our mess and tell us it would be okay."

This book had too breezy a tone for me when it was dealing with obsessions, murder, and back-stabbing friends. It just did not work for this reader.

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