Saturday, March 05, 2016

Duck Commander Family: How Faith, Family, and Ducks Built a Dynasty

by Willie and Korie Robertson
Hennepin Library audiobook 5 discs
read by the authors
genre: NF, memoir

I first heard of Duck Dynasty when my brother-in-law joked with one of my bearded sons that he was ready to become a member of DD. I enjoyed this audiobook for the most part - hearing about the background of the family and the company. I love how they included Scripture and personal stories. Korie's voice wasn't the best for audiobooks - she often spoke quickly and without much emotion. Listening to this made me very curious to watch an episode of the show. I love the fact that they seem to be very genuine - in their enjoyment of duck hunting, in their love of family and the Lord, and in their down-to-earth view of things. I'm not a hunter (and never realized how many people actually are into this . . . ) but I enjoyed the story of the Robertson family. There were recipes at the end of each chapter, but I don't think I'd ever make any of them. I might just try to buy some of Phil Robertson's cajun seasoning, though. Yum!

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