Saturday, February 27, 2016

The Unwanteds

by Lisa McMann
PRMS hardcover 390 pages
genre: YA fantasy with dystopia

Tagged "The Hunger Games Meets Harry Potter," I'm not sure I can agree. The elements of dystopia and magic are there, but this book lacks the rich depth of Panem and Hogwarts (as do the characters). But this seems written for a younger crowd - the text is widely spaced, the characters are pretty innocent, and the "gee-whiz" quality is strong. This is a nice story about twins Alex and Aaron - one who is "unwanted" and sent to his death (because of his love of art) and one who toes the line and has aspirations to reach the highest levels of government in Quill.

There were some things I really enjoyed - the statues who came to life, the blackboard beings with snappy wit, etc. I don't think I'll continue on with this series, though. It's nice to know what it's about for recommending it to some of my readers.

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