Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Golden Day

by Ursula Dubosarsky
Hennepin County Library hardcover 149 pages
genre: YA ??? realistic fiction, historical

I don't remember what it was in a booklist that piqued my interest on this title . . . but I'm really glad I got it from the library rather than just buying it for my collection. It's weird. Eleven girls in an Australian school have Miss Renshaw as their teacher. She takes them to the park where she chats with "Morgan," the groundskeeper. One day, . . . things happen and Miss Renshaw is gone. The girls are questioned, but remain quiet about the day's events.

Set primarily in 1967, the last few chapters occur in 1975. I didn't see the ending coming. And it wasn't entirely satisfactory, as endings go.

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