Monday, January 14, 2019

Girl Waits With Gun

by Amy Stewart
Scott County Library hardcover 404 pages
genre: historical fiction, detective

I don't remember where I heard about this book, but it pairs well with Miss Phryne Fischer's mysteries. In this story, Constance Kopp and her sisters Norma and Fleurette live on the family farm after their mother's death. Their brother Francis lives in town and keeps trying to convince his sisters to move in with him, his wife, and their children. One day when the sisters head into town in their horse buggy, an automobile crashes into them and destroys the buggy. This first encounter with silk factory boss Henry Kaufman just leads to worse and worse circumstances.

Set in 1914, the author used actual letters and newspaper articles to build this inventive story of Constance and her amazing life. I am curious about the historical person who lived . . . and the author shares some of her fact / fiction choices in the author's endnotes. But I am interested enough to request book two and see where the story goes!

Oh! I made a note of page 107 . . . and the Singer man. I was quite surprised by this part of the story!

Added 1/30/2019 (two weeks later):
I found where I first heard about this book . . . a page torn from a Costco Connections magazine.

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