Sunday, July 22, 2018

Boston Jacky: Being an Account of the Further Adventures of Jacky Faber, Taking Care of Business

by L.A. Meyer
Scott County Library hardcover 364 pages
genre: YA historic fiction, adventure

This was #11 in the series and one of my least favorites. Jacky is back in Boston, but the ladies of the Women's Temperance Union are on the move against her. The "protection" groups / gangs are also causing trouble for her and her newly purchased Pig and Whistle.

While I appreciate how Meyer includes relevant historical information in these entertaining tales, I was a bit surprised this time around. From page 178: "'Ah well, yes, there are several jewel merchants, all of a Hebraic persuasion here in Boston, and they were most avid in examining the collection, a loupe to every eye. I perceived them to be honest brokers, and since their business was global in nature, very few questions were asked.'"  I can't imagine too many teen readers are aware of the historical punch that this observation packs.

I have never liked the nasty Constable Wiggins and the meanness of some of the characters in Boston. When Joanie and Ravi are taken from Jacky and put in horrible institutions, I expected Jacky to rescue them immediately. But the fight for their liberty took much longer and became quite convoluted. On page 225, "I stand there totally perplexed and wounded, too. I have been called many things in this life, but this is new to me and it cuts me to my core . . . unfit mother . . . " I felt a bit sad for Jacky here.

Clarissa's double-cross, yet another misunderstanding between Jacky and Jaimy, the destruction of her hard work, the arsonist, . . . there were so many more unpleasant parts to this story than there were fun, funny, or heroic parts.

Theoretically, the next book (#12) is the last one. Hooray! May it all end on a high note.

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