Friday, August 11, 2017

Pockets of Joy: Deciding to Be Happy, Choosing to Be Free

by Roxanne Battle
given to me as a gift in May 2015 - from a student, but I don't remember who!
inscribed by the author "For Ms. LaMoore, Psalms 16:11" on 5.15.15
genre: non-fiction memoir

This was lovely. I like her continual references to joy - my word for this year. I like how she was very dignified and private about her divorce . . . though it was clearly devastating. I love the inclusion of photographs! My favorite part - when she had a breakthrough in church and decided to quit her job.

"I didn't know what my future was going to be like, but on the inside I knew that the time had come for me to transition, and God would be with me all of the way. I can't explain it. I just knew it." Praise God! This really resonated for me.

I brought this book with me to the BWCA, thinking I'd read it and share it. I think I'll keep it. (But I wish I remembered which student gave it to me! I think it was an eighth grader, so that person would be ready to start their junior year. Hmmm.


<I wrote the above on 8.11.2017. I'm adding the below on 1.4.2023.>

I have decided to donate this book. The Minnesota Quilters meet at the same building where Recovery Church meets. They have a "Little Free Library" shelf and I'm looking through my books to see what might bless someone else. I hope this finds its way into the hands of a person who will be blessed by it!

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