Monday, March 13, 2017

Home Again

by Kristin Hannah
loaned to me by M. Wegner paperback 393 pages
genre: mostly realistic, relationships

Madelaine Hillyard - her mom died when she was six, her dad was a cruel, controlling, belittling man (and rich, too), she got pregnant at age 16, her boyfriend left, she was a single mom who worked her way through med school and become a cardiologist

Angel DeMarco - was the bad boy who got her pregnant and took off when he was 17, always fought with his "perfect" brother and tried to win his alcoholic, abusive mother's love. Became a superstar actor who went through women, drugs, and alcohol like a fish through water. Until his heart condition became critical.

Francis DeMarco - a priest, always there for Maddy and her daughter Lina. Lonely, in love with Madelaine but even more in love with God. Striving to do the right thing.

Lina Hillyard - rebelling against her "perfect" mom and wanting to know who her father is. Angry girl testing boundaries (which her mother struggles to put in place).

It wasn't really a wonderful book, yet I couldn't put it down. I wouldn't call it Christian fiction - it didn't have a strong reliance on Scripture or a gospel message. But it wasn't just a tawdry book about people getting whatever they want, either. I don't want to put any spoilers here, but it wasn't shocking how the story turned out. I would read other books by her, but they're not going to be top of my list.

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