Tuesday, December 27, 2016

I Will Always Write Back: How One Letter Changed Two Lives

by Caitlin Alifirenka & Martin Ganda, with Liz Welch
Hennepin County Library hardcover 392 pages
genre: non-fiction, memoir(ish)

Caitlin wrote a pen pal letter in 1997 as a seventh grader. She chose Zimbabwe. Martin Ganda received her letter and responded. Over the years, the two young people growing up a world apart. Caitlin slowly realized that her world was wealthy and shallow; Martin struggled to stay in school and have enough food to eat. A top student, he had many people encouraging him, but was so incredibly poor that survival was a priority. The gifts that Caitlin and later, her parents, sent truly made a significant difference for Martin and his family.

What an amazing book! I don't know where I saw the recommendation, but I'm so incredibly glad I read this book. I would love for my students to learn what Caitlin learned . . . and I love the photographs and the happy ending!

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