Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Great Feuds in History: Ten of the Liveliest Disputes Ever

by Colin Evans
PRMS hardcover 213 pages
genre: non-fiction history

I picked this up while helping kids research Alexander Hamilton (it didn't help for their topic, but did cover the Burr/Hamilton issue). I was intrigued and checked it out for myself. I read about the Hatfields and McCoys (one of those feuds that's legendary, but I didn't actually know anything about it). Then I read the Trotsky/Stalin chapter (especially interesting after reading Stalin's Daughter this summer). Anyhow, I have too many books to read and other things to do . . . so I'm going to return it. But it's books like this that make me want to learn more about history!

The ten chapters are:
Elizabeth I versus Mary
Parliament versus Charles I
Burr versus Hamilton
Hatfields versus McCoys
Stalin versus Trotsky
Amundsen versus Scott
Duchess of Windsor versus Queen Mother
Montgomery versus Patton
Johnson versus Kennedy
Hoover versus King

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