Monday, March 17, 2014

The Discovery

by Dan Walsh
Hennepin County Library paperback 346 pages
genre: Christian fiction, realistic and historical

This is a novel-within-a-novel starting with Michael's inheritance of his grandfather's home. Grandfather was a famous novelist who never shared much about his past or his personal history. But Michael finds an unpublished manuscript that tells all (and is also the bulk of the story).

The manuscript tells the story of Ben Campbell (alias Gerhard Kuhlmann) who has come back to the United States on a German U-boat as a spy during WWII. Only his true motivation is to ditch the Nazis and simply live his own life back in the country where he was born and raised until his parents returned to the Fatherland with their teenage son. Ben meets Claire and the love story / adventure is off and running.

I really enjoyed this and look forward to the book club discussion in a few weeks!

(Added 3/26/14) Found this note in my purse:

page 64-65 - Grandfather's thoughts as he approaches death.
page 77 - the lack of red & the Nazi flag . . . sometimes we don't notice things that are "everywhere" until we experience the absence of those things (for good or for bad)
 page 99 - moms who interfere! I love her Gary Cooper observation. Makes me want to use GoogleImages to refresh my memory.
page 143 - LOVE the priest!!! His attitude and his faith are so very wonderful. So many priests of that era were narrowminded and more like Pharisees than like Christ.
page 163 - prayer - just talking to God
page 165 - Love this part, too! God knows our hearts. We don't have to tell him, but it helps us to pour out what we are dealing with. He knows us and we cannot pretend with him.
page 169 - This was great! When the priest gave Ben the Bible with Psalms marked, I was so surprised! I thought the item he had placed in a pew was a recording device and Ben was going to be turned over to the authorities. Good for the priest!!!

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