Sunday, October 06, 2013

Dinner with the Smileys: One Military Family, One Year of Heroes, and Lessons for a Lifetime

by Sarah Smiley
Hennepin County Library hardcover 359 pages
genre: Non-fiction memoir

What an amazing book! I had to mop up my tears more than once and the author was merely sharing honestly. It was not maudlin at all. She just shared her story of her husband being deployed for 13 months while she tried to maintain some normalcy for their three sons. The idea of inviting someone over for dinner each week to "sit in Dad's chair" while he was away started as almost a joke. But when it really came to fruition, it helped the family to mark the time with more focus on the here and now. The photos add so much to the story; it is only at the end of the book that we learn that her friend came to most of the dinners and took pictures. This is a wonderful read. I especially appreciate it as someone who doesn't have anyone near and dear to me in the military. What a difficult life! Her husband sounds like an amazing guy, and Sarah Smiley did an amazing job with her boys in his absence.

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