Monday, February 21, 2011

My Own County: a Doctor's Story

by Abraham Verghese
Scott County Library, paperback, 430 pages
genre: medical memoir

This took me a long time to read! I've had it for over two months now, renewing it multiple times. I'm kind of glad that I read Cutting for Stone first. This one deals primarily with the AIDS outbreak and his work in Tennessee. Very interesting look at the disease and how people's lives were affected. Not enough info about his family . . . I think if I check online, I'll see that he and his wife divorced in the early 90s. He was so consumed with his patients and seemed to spend more time learning about their lives than taking care of his wife and sons. Although he is very candid and comes across as humble (just a poor internist, not a rich surgeon), there remains something of the arrogance I have often seen in doctors. He delves deeply into the lives of his patients, to the point that I wondered if he had gotten their permission before publishing his book. A worthwhile read.

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