Thursday, February 17, 2011

Beyond the Deepwoods

by Paul Stewart (illustrated by Chris Riddell)
Hennepin County Library audioCDs 6:14
read by Clive Mantle
genre: children's fantasy adventure

Oh my. This story made me crazy! Louie kept telling me to stop listening, but I was trying to figure out WHY this would appeal to kids and WHICH kids it appeals to. Twig just bumbles along from one incident to another, being a complete dunderhead and demanding to be saved by any creatures around him. There are a plethora of creatures and plants that are fantastical (and usually dangerous). There's not much in the way of a plot and the ending was trite . . . and this is only book one in a series! Argh. Made. me. crazy! Couldn't wait for it to be done. Mantle's voice work was not the problem. The story was stupid, IMHO.

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