Sunday, October 03, 2010

Doctor Who: The Reign of Terror

by ???
full-cast audio, with William Hartnell, William Russell, and Carole Ann Ford
Dakota County Library audioCDs 2:31
genre: SciFi, historical fiction

Based on the older Dr. Who tv show, this story was NOT enjoyable in audio format. It made me crazy how stupidly the characters behave. Was the old Dr. Who really such an idiot? Maybe it's just been too long since I've watched the older version, but this was really frustrating to listen to. The setting of the French revolution was interesting, but also sad. The madness, anarchy, and murder were really the tone. I would not want to have lived during that era. Of course, they get away and all is well in the end.

The other frustration I have with most stories like this is that the audio track for voices is too quiet, but the sound effects and music are super-loud. I thought the tweeting birds would break my eardrums . . .

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