Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Waiting for Daybreak

by Kathryn Cushman
paperback, Carver County library, 315 pages

I liked this one! It was about two female pharmacists - Paige and Clarissa. Book Club discussed it last night, and Jodi called the characters "Whiney and Witchey" - pretty accurate, but I still liked it. Dawn was an interesting character - it would have been nice to see her story played out. Ora was my absolute favorite! What a saucy old gal. I liked the romance, too. I read this about three weeks ago and am just blogging now . . . Hard to stay on top of this!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like an intriguing book but I didn't write it. Too busy writing my own books.


Karen Cushman

Jeanne LaMoore said...

My word! I meant Kathryn, not Karen! (I'll change my blog entry.) If this is truly a comment from Karen Cushman, the author of some of my favorite YA lit, then I'm blown away! Ballad of Lucy Whipple is one of my favorite books! It makes me laugh out loud and cry. Rodzina, Catherine Called Birdy, and The Midwife's Apprentice are all fun for me to booktalk to my students. I haven't read The Loud Silence of Francine Green, but I think I will. Soon. Cheers to you, too!