Saturday, April 27, 2024

The Surrender Tree: Poems of Cuba's Struggle for Freedom

by: Margarita Engle

New Prague Schools discard, hardcover, 158 pages, plus author's note, historical note, chronology, references, and acknowledgements

Published: 2008

Genre: poetry, historical

This has been on my shelf for a long time. I'm glad I read it! Part One - "The Names of the Flowers" - covers 1850-51. Part Two - "The Ten Years' War" - covers 1868-78. Part Three - "The Little War" - covers 1878-80. Part Four - "The War of Independence" - covers 1895-98. Part Five - "The Surrender Tree" - covers 1898-99.

The main "character" is Rosa, an actual historical figure who nursed anyone who needed it during these wars in Cuba. (Some young Spanish soldiers changed sides and became Cuban rebels because of her tender care!) She used herbal remedies and moved her "hospital" to wherever she could keep her patients safe, often in caves. She and her husband worked tirelessly to bandage and cure whoever came their way.

All the fighting and violence and cruelty is so awful - in any age and in any place. These poems tell the story of the people's struggle valiantly. To just want to live and feed your family seems reasonable. It's weird to think that all this fighting was before Castro was in power!

I'm not sure where this book will go next. I have a few people in mind to share it with.

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