Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Simply Clean: The Proven Method for Keeping Your Home Organized, Clean, and Beautiful in Just 10 Minutes a Day

by Becky Rapinchuk (founder of Clean Mama)
Hennepin County Library paperback 247 pages
genre: non-fiction, self-help of a sort

I love this book! I'm seriously considering buying it! (and tabbing, highlighting, underlining, etc.)

  • she has a very positive, encouraging tone
  • she emphasizes that you need to do what works best for you
  • short, regular bursts of cleaning time (use a timer) - this is like my "clean quickly and clean often"
  • sort and organize a space (like a closet, drawer, etc.) by emptying it out 100% and then dealing with everything! Yes! This strategy works really well.
  • checklists, charts, etc. - very helpful
  • like Heloise Helpful Hints, there are some really great tips, recipes for cleaning products, etc.
  • I'm too cheap to buy a book on cleaning, especially since I don't like cleaning. I've renewed this from the library the maximum number of times, so it needs to go back. Perhaps I will end up buying it. . . I'm going to scan some of the charts and checklists that I liked so much, but won't post them here. I don't expect to ever actually like cleaning, but I do like having a clean house. 

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