Tuesday, October 08, 2019

Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood

by Marjane Satrapi
Scott County Library paperback 153 pages
genre: graphic novel, memoir

This was intense! I'm so glad for the author's note at the start, but I still struggle to understand the complexities of Iran's history and politics. At the end of the book, I wanted to know what happened to her parents. I did a little looking online, but almost everything is about her. I am surprised that she returned to Iran! I want to read Persepolis II. In terms of graphic novels, not one that I adore. In terms of graphic non-fiction (I'm assuming she is telling her story as it happened, to the best of her memory), it's fabulous. I'm glad I read this! I'm also curious to check out some of her children's books to get a better sense of her voice.

(Okay, part of my brain is super irritated that I'm labeling this as both graphic *novel* and *memoir* . . . if you are particular about specific designations like that, please leave a comment for me! I welcome a little sharpening of my lazy intellect.)

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