Monday, May 13, 2019

Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking

by Malcolm Gladwell
Scott County Library audiobook 7 CDs
read by the author
genre: Non-Fiction

I definitely liked Outliers better. The idea of "thin slicing" or making snap judgments was interesting but also frustrating. The power of the subconscious is not necessarily something I wanted to read an entire book about.

It bothered me when he used the expression "mind reading" even though I understood how he was using that phrase.

The part on facial expressions and tracking eye movements of regular people and autistic people . . . got a bit long. Also, the expression that people can have "temporary autism" - again, I understood his meaning, but the expression of the idea bothered me.

The part on police shootings was very timely.

The section on the Pepsi taste test of the 80s and the whole "New Coke" debacle was very relatable since I lived that and remember it well! (Though I actually could pick Coke and prefer it to this day.) Pepsi is too sweet!

I would gladly re-read Outliers. I'm not as interested in Blink. Gladwell is pretty amazing, though.

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