Sunday, April 14, 2019

Outliers: The Story of Success

by Malcolm Gladwell
Scott County Library audiobook 7 CDs
read by the author
genre: non-fiction

Gladwell is such an interesting person! I love his research and writing, though there were times I didn't appreciate his rhetoric. (For someone who tends to over-the-top, you'd think I'd appreciate his hyperbole . . . ) My notes don't make much of a blog entry for others to read, but I highly recommend this title and may end up re-reading it!

hockey and soccer players and birthdates . . . crazy!
1954 technology / Bill Gates / opportunities
practice and 10,000 hours
The Beatles / Hamburg
entrepreneurs / 1833
China / rice farms / math / numbers / logic . . . fascinating section!
"Working really hard is what successful people do."
Kipp School (?) - interesting . . . rigorous

Gladwell is basically debunking outliers that have typically been shown to be extraordinary people. He identifies different factors that have opened opportunities for success. Fascinating stuff!

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