Monday, May 14, 2018

Until We Find Home

by Cathy Gohlke
Hennepin County Library hardcover 3 or 4 hundred pages
genre: Historical Christian fiction

This was a book club book that I didn't finish before discussion. Set in World War II, Claire is a super romantic (and pretty immature) American living in Paris. Part of the underground resistance, she helps five Jewish children escape. But when her "love" doesn't show up, she crosses to England with the children. Ending up at her aunt's home in the lakes country, there is intrigue, danger, romance, etc.

I liked the literary threads (neighbor Mrs. Heelis, aka Beatrix Potter; the Secret Garden; C. S. Lewis; etc.) I also liked little Gaston - he was a firecracker!

But the story was pretty lightweight. I didn't even mind the discussion and its inevitable "spoilers" because I just didn't care that much. It was fine but not a re-read or "must" recommend book.

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