Monday, May 21, 2018

The Watsons Go to Birmingham - 1963

by Christopher Paul Curtis
Scott County Library audiobook 4 CDs
read by Levar Burton
genre: YA historical fiction

I'm kind of shocked that I don't have an entry for this book already in my blog. I just checked and I started blogging about books in 2007. That means I read this well over a decade ago!

I didn't realize until I started typing this entry that the vocal work was by Levar Burton. I love him! He did an excellent job, of course.

I was struck by the first part of the story not being quite as funny as I had remembered it. (Kenny's brother Byron scraping the ice off the car was as I remembered, though.) I felt much more sadness this time around, especially the last part in Birmingham.

The TruTone record player in the car - this blows me away! What a weird concept - to have a record player in a car!


The humor mixed with the seriousness really shifted for me when Kenny went into the pond and the "Wool Pooh" (whirlpool) got him. I wasn't surprised that Byron came to the rescue, but I had forgotten many of the details of the scene (and the fact that they didn't tell anyone what happened).

The bombing scene and Kenny's subsequent withdrawl were so sad! Hiding behind the couch, not interacting with anyone, . . . made the scene when Byron got him into the bathroom to look in the mirror all the more poignant. "How's it fair?" Indeed, there was nothing fair for the children who died in Sunday school that morning.

Christopher Paul Curtis is an amazing author and this is one of my favorite middle school historical fiction books. It is funny, sad, and realistic.

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