Sunday, January 17, 2016

Walking Papers: A True Story

[Subtitled: the Accident that Changed my Life, and the Business that got me Back on My Feet]
by Francesco Clark
Hennepin County Library audiobook 6 discs
read by Kirby Heyborne

This is a fascinating story and Heyborne brings great expression to the reading of it - Clark's young life changed forever by a late-night dive into the shallow end of a pool at age 24. His broken neck, SCI, surgery, therapy, and everything that goes with a life-changing event made me both sad and hopeful.

I remember when Christopher Reeve broke his neck and I scoffed at all the attention and money that went to help a superstar. What about ordinary people? Louie pointed out that ordinary people would benefit from the research and advances *because* of Reeve's celebrity. Yeah. Didn't think about that. Hearing the author's admiration of Reeve reminded me of this long-ago conversation.

Listening to this was hard for me because of everything that happened with Sam. At times, I thought that Clark was a little too whiny . . . but I get whiny too without as much cause. And I'm sure for all of Sam's incredibly positive attitude, there are times she asks the hard questions too. I wish I could talk with her.

This is a fascinating story about SCI and recovery. It's also about the human spirit. Clark recognizes that his family and their incredible support made a huge difference to him. How maddening to have insurance companies dictating the level of therapy, supplies, etc. What transformations in his life! Pre-accident, soon after, and years later continuing to "get better" (his words). I'm glad I "read" this book.

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