Sunday, September 01, 2013

Creed's Honor

by Linda Lael Miller
Hennepin County Library audiobook 10 CDs
read by: Jack Garrett
genre: romance

Speaking of romance, WHY do I continue to sample them? The protagonist, Tricia McCall, is too wishy-washy. The relationship progression goes: attraction, first kiss, hot sex, first date. What?! Conner Creed is gorgeous, smart, etc. and yet is available. His twin brother Brody has recently returned home, but they have bad history between them.

Redeeming qualities? Not as trashy as some other romance writing. But I know why some people refer to romance novels as "pornography for women." The storytelling was weak. What happened between Brody & what's-her-face to make Conner think his brother betrayed him and caused the two to not talk for over a decade? Why did Tricia stay in a "relationship" for a year and a half with a guy she almost never communicated with? Because he's "safe"? Really? Her great-grandmother vacates her house within a few days once she has decided to move to Denver. Really?

This just didn't work for me. And the romance wasn't. Romantic, I mean. Tricia was just too pathetic for me.

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