Thursday, August 22, 2013

Spinal Cord Injury and the Family

by Dr. Michelle J. Alpert and Saul Wisnia
Hennepin County Library paperback 329 pages
genre: non-fiction

This is an amazing book - so much so that I'm ordering my own copy off Amazon. It is informative, positive, and has lots of examples from different people's lives. It covers an incredible range of issues for SCI individuals and their families.

I also liked (but not nearly as much) - Mayo Clinic Guide to Living with a Spinal Cord Injury. I didn't read a lot of it, but it was definitely informative and had helpful graphics.

I absolutely could not get much out of a third book I got at the same time. I've already returned it and don't remember the title, but it was written by two doctors who are apparently unaware that lay people do not have their medical knowledge.

Added 2/6/14
I finished reading all of SCI and the Family. What an incredibly well-written book. The authors are compassionate, helpful, realistic, and encouraging. They talk about physical issues, parenting, sexuality, dating, and different types of relationships. I'm glad I read this. I hope that it reaches a large audience of people who have been affected by SCI.

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