Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Rogue: Searching for the Real Sarah Palin

by Joe McGinniss
Hennepin County Library audioCDs 9 discs
read by Arthur Morey
genre: Non-fiction biography

This was an interesting experience. I didn't agree with the author when he criticized Palin's "extreme" religious views, because I wholeheartedly agree that followers of Jesus Christ should pray about decisions and listen to God's leading. What I have a huge problem with is how very different her actions were from what she supposedly believes. There were simply too many people who shared stories of manipulation, intimidation, and outsized egotism on both the parts of Sarah and Todd Palin that I have a hard time understanding how so many people still like and support her. Even before reading this book, she seemed to be an egomaniac, and that is extremely different from what Christ taught.

Very interesting book. McGinniss seems to be a very reputable author who truly loves Alaska and has spent a lot of time there. His research was exhaustive (other than not actually talking with the Palins, who absolutely freaked out about his proximity).

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