Sunday, September 02, 2012

Moonlight on the Millpond

by Lori Wick
personal collection paperback 285 pages
genre: Christian historical fiction

Not so much. I'll hang on to The Princess for a light re-read, but this one just got on my nerves. Maddie gets forget-100%-of-what-happens after a few ounces of alcohol, though those around her see a woman who carries on conversations, flirts, walks, etc. in a normal manner. She forgets that she got married and slept with her crush? Right. Doesn't work for me. Plus, the hopping between multiple storylines to set things in place is disconcerting. Jace. Maddie. Woody. Eden. Cathy & Doyle. The Muldoons. The Nunleys. This book is heading for the donation bag.

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