Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Appeal

by John Grisham
Hennepin County Library audioCDs 10 discs
read by Michael Beck
genre: legal thriller

This book had a profound impact on me. I thought about it a LOT over the week or so that I listened to it. I really struggled with the realization that although this is fiction, much of the content is extremely true-to-life.

Basically, it is the 1% vs. the rest of us. Carl Trudeau, obscenely wealthy New York businessman, rejects the court ruling that his chemical company polluted, poisoned, and killed people in Beaumore, Mississippi. He connects with other powerful and corrupt people to "buy" a seat on the state Supreme Court so that the ruling will be rejected and he doesn't have to pay for the damage done by Crane Chemical.

Ugh. This was really hard for me to read, especially the conservative Christians overwhelmingly (and unthinkingly) supporting newcomer Ron Fisk for a judge seat he isn't qualified to occupy. The tactics and politics ring far too true.

Favorite character: Denny Ott! (Pastor who "gets it" and yet truly cares for his congregation as a genuine Christian.) The ending stunned me, yet makes perfect sense. Six billion. Of course.

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